Overseas Business Department
Control tower for our overseas business sites and the invigoration of business strategies.
In today's world, corporate success is driven by global business development and growth. The Overseas Business Department supports our growth strategies outside Japan.
By connecting our domestic sales departments with overseas offices and Group companies, the department invigorates business strategies that anticipate the potential of Asia.
Supervising our overseas
business sites as a control
The Overseas Business Department works to strengthen our global network in Asia and beyond at our overseas business sites in China, Thailand, and other locations. We support our customers’ overseas strategies by utilizing supply chains established overseas and acting as a contract importer and exporter. By linking domestic and overseas resources and information, and coordinating them as needed, we help facilitate secure and reliable global business operations.
Promoting smooth and accurate
business operations together
with local companies.
We work closely with our overseas offices and Group companies’ own international sites to provide a wide range of support utilizing our global expertise, from business strategies to overseas taxation, legal affairs, and business management. We enable the creation of new value by sharing issues and working together to resolve them.